ProjectVRM West Coast Workshop 2009
The first ProjectVRM West Coast Workshop (tag vrm2009) will take place on Friday-Saturday 15-16 May, 2009 at SAP Labs at 1410 Hillview Street in Palo Alto. The event will go from 9am to roughly 5pm on both days.
As with earlier VRM gatherings, the purpose of the workshop is to bring people together and make progress on any number of VRM topics and projects. The workshop will be run as an "unconference" on the open space model, which means session topics will be chosen by participants.Here is the Wikipedia page on open space.
In open space there are no speakers or panels -- just participants, gathered to get work done and enjoy doing it. Participation includes contributing to the VRM Workshop 2009 wiki.
For more information, visit the ProjectVRM wiki or see Doc Searls' blogpost announcement.
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