OneWebDay: Working Space Mash-up brainstorming session, Party, and More
Working Space Mash-up brainstorming session for all
Tuesday, September 22, 1:30-4:00 PM
Harvard Law School, Lewis International Law Center, Room 202.
Join Berkman Center Research Associate Tim Hwang and Research Assistant Catherine White for a session open to all to discuss this year's theme: One Web. For all.
Ideas, brainstorming - anyone interested is welcome. Please RSVP to our Facebook page or by emailing the Berkman Center at cwhite AT cyber.harvard.edu with OWD in the subject header.
September 22, 6 pm OneWebDay party!
Celebrate the Internet. We'll be gathering for some post-brainstorming informal drinks at John Harvard's Brew House at 33 Dunster Street, Cambrdge, MA. No need to RSVP - just show up and have fun!
Also see David Weinberger's interview of Nathaniel James on YouTube.
And the events continue...
September 23, 7.00 pm Communication and Human Development: The Freedom Connection?
Guests: Amartya Sen, Michael Spence, Yochai Benkler, Clotilde Fonseca
Ames Courtroom, Austin Hall, Harvard Law School
Sponsored by Canada's International Development Research Centre
Free and open to the public; live video and audio-only streams will also be available.
Further details here:
Optional RSVP via Facebook or Upcoming
Nobel Laureates Amartya Sen and Michael Spence will join leading Information and Communication Technology (ICT) experts Yochai Benkler and Clotilde Fonseca in a public discussion of the role of communication and ICTs in human development, growth and poverty reduction. What has changed, been learned, not been learned, needs to be learned, needs to be done most urgently? Panelists and the in-person and online audiences will debate a range of topics, including:
* Communications and the technologies that enable them, like education, comprise a basic building block of human development at all levels of poverty/prosperity and freedoms.
* The “connectedness revolution” is a major dimension of globalization, with the expansions and contractions of prosperity and freedoms that globalization causes for different peoples.
* Communications, enabled by ICTs, are increasing informed public dialogue and debate in many countries and societies.
* Informed public debate at national and international levels will be essential in achieving solutions to global warming, and better management of the global economy.
* Crisis prevention and management – financial, economic, pandemic, natural disaster – are being improved by ICT-enabled communication and information delivery.
* Openness is always better than protection in principal; how far can it reach in practice?