Future Social Science On and With Digital Media
at HASTAC 2010
Saturday, April 17, 6:15 - 6:45 p.m. (and archived online thereafter)
Future Social Science On and With Digital Media
(online as part of HASTAC 2010)
Introduction, and:
Why the Internet is on the Verge of Blowing Up All of Our Methods Courses
Christian Sandvig (panel chair)
Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Harvard University
Legal Challenges to Social Science: The Digital Economy Bill
Alison Powell
Postdoctoral Fellow
Oxford Internet Institute
Oxford University
For the ppl of Iran: #iranelection RT
Richard Rogers
Chair, New Media and Digital Culture
Media Studies
University of Amsterdam
Illegal File Sharing Networks as Culture and Society
Bodó Balázs
Assistant Lecturer
Department of Sociology and Communications
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Public Space, Surveillance, and Identity Play
David Phillips
Associate Professor
Faculty of Information Studies
University of Toronto
What it means to study society is profoundly changing as we are increasingly surrounded by and incorporated into a pervasive network of digital media (Lazer et al, 2009). In this panel, five scholars will comment for five minutes each on emerging research problems, opportunities, and methods in social science both with and about digital media. Topics will include computational (or e-) social science, new forms and genres of social media, new methods and tactics, legal obstacles to transformative research, and challenges for future graduate education in the social sciences.
The Berkman Center is pleased to be participating as a virtual hub for the online conference HASTAC 2010: Grand Challenges and Global Innovations. Registration is free and participation (in a variety of online venues and activities) is open to anyone. HASTAC (pronounced "haystack") is the Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Advanced Collaboratory. HASTAC is a consortium of humanists, artists, social scientists, scientists, and engineers committed to new forms of collaboration across communities and disciplines fostered by creative uses of technology.
HASTAC 2010 is a free, entirely virtual event held in a multiplicity of digital spaces instigated from sites across the globe. This panel is hosted on YouTube. Please feel free to participate via YouTube comments or (or on April 17 participate using this Google Wave. (Google Wave account required).