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Mapping the Russian Blogosphere

Tuesday, October 19th, 10am-12pm Eastern Time (ET)
United States Institute of Peace
Washington, DC
Free and Open to the Public

For details, visit:


Hosted by USIP’s Center of Innovation for Science, Technology & Peacebuilding, experts from Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society and Morningside Analytics will present their new research on the Russian blogosphere, while prominent Russia experts and notable bloggers will respond. The research team mapped this extensive social network, analyzing over 11,000 Russian language blogs to understand how politics is discussed, by whom, and if there is evidence of political and social mobilization in the blogosphere. The team also analyzed the blogosphere’s place within the overall Russian online and traditional media ecology, including discussion of top political YouTube videos. 

Speakers Include:

Research Team

Karina Alexanyan
Researcher and Analyst
Berkman Center for Internet & Society

Bruce Etling
Director, Internet & Democracy Project
Berkman Center for Internet & Society

John Kelly
Founder and Chief Scientist
Morningside Analytics


Alexey Navalny
Yale World Fellow and Prominent Russian Blogger

Ivan Sigal
Executive Director
Global Voices

Angela Stent
Director, Center for Eurasian, Russian & East European Studies
Georgetown University

Sheldon Himelfarb, Moderator
Executive Director, Center of Innovation for Science, Technology & Peacebuilding
United States Institute of Peace

This event is part of USIP's ongoing Blogs and Bullets initiative that examines the relationship between online discourse and violent conflict.

Webcast: This event will be webcast live beginning at 10:00am EDT on October 19, 2010 on this page. Online viewers will be able to engage panelists and each other through live chat and Twitter discussions (hashtag: #usipblogs)


USIP Event Page:

Past Event
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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