What Can Universities Do to Promote Open Access?
Peter Suber, Professor of Philosophy at Earlham College
Peter Suber will sketch five broad ways in which universities could promote open access (OA) to research literature: launching and filling their own OA repositories, supporting peer-reviewed OA journals, supporting OA monographs from their university presses, fine-tuning their promotion and tenure criteria to support excellent research even in unconventional places, and educating faculty about copyright and OA itself.
About Peter
Peter Suber is a Research Professor of Philosophy at Earlham College, Visiting Fellow at the Information Society Project of Yale Law School, and Senior Researcher at the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC). He has a Ph.D. in philosophy and a J.D., both from Northwestern University. He writes the Open Access News weblog and the SPARC Open Access Newsletter, was the principal drafter of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, and sits on the Advisory Board of the Wikimedia Foundation, the Advisory Board of the European Library, the Steering Committee of the Scientific Information Working Group of the U.N. World Summit on the Information Society, and the boards of several other groups devoted to open access, scholarly communication, and the information commons. He has been active in promoting open access for many years through his research, speaking, and writing. For more information, see his home page (below).
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