Cyber-pluralism: Can We Get Along with Each Other in a “Splitting” Internet?
Donnie, Hao Dong, Berkman Fellow
Tuesday, March 16, 12:30 pm
Berkman Center, 23 Everett Street, second floor
From pervasive doubtable usage of copyright works in Chinese web-sphere to Google’s latest dilemma in China, it seems the Internet as an open, universal and single network is still an “ought to” imagination but not a truth. The numerous “autonomous systems” which consist of the Internet are governed by various regimes, laws and/or even impulse ridden policies. Can we get along with each other in such a “splitting” Internet when the technological factors are giving place of “coding” the networks to the policies and laws in different countries? Donnie Dong will present some new developments about China’s IP (Intellectual Property), IG (Internet Governance) and IB (Internet Business), then discuss a possible perspective of observing the Internet: Cyber-pluralism.
About Donnie
Donnie, Hao Dong is a current Fellow and a Fulbright Junior Scholar at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society. His research interests cover copyright reform, law and social development in digital age, and rule of law in China.
Graduated as an LLB in 2000, Donnie defended his Master's dissertation on Internet Governance in 2003, then he joined Faculty of Law at Yunnan University located in his hometown Kunming. As a "Western Light" Visiting Scholar sponsored by Chinese Academy of Science, he visited China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in 2004, and co-led a pioneer course of Cyber Law for LLM students. Then he become a fellow of CUPL’s IP Research Center since 2005. Also in CUPL, he completed his first doctorate degree with the dissertation on the Public Domain in the Context of Chinese Copyright Law.
Donnie published a few academic papers and co-authored some books in Chinese. He began to publish in English after studying in Hong Kong since 2006. Now he is closing his research on China’s Copyright Reform in Digital Age as a PhD Candiate at City University of Hong Kong. His Curriculum Vitae and publications can be found at BLawgDog, a personal website focusing on cyber law and about to celebrate her 11th birthday.