Social Media Journalism and the Changing Roles of Journalists
Miriam Meckel, Berkman Fellow
Tuesday, May 18, 12:30 pm
Berkman Center, 23 Everett Street, second floor
Technologies of participation empower everyone to engage in producing content on the web but also change the roles of professional journalism. By being able to explore these technologies, by establishing an individual personal brand and by combining traditional journalist's work with online research and contributions a new model of social media journalism is arising that has some substantial impact on agenda setting processes and opinion leadership on the web. The outline of the model is substantiated by a case study about journalists on Twitter during the period of protests in Iran 2009.
About Miriam
Prof. Miriam Meckel, PhD., holds a professorship for Corporate Communication at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and is the Managing Director of the Institute for Media and Communication Management (since 2005). She is also an adviser for Public Affairs and Business Communication.