Public Discourse Student Pre-Event Lunch & Learn
Date: Thursday, September 12
Time: 11:00-12:30 pm
Location: The Berkman Klein Center at the Lewis International Law Center
Event Summary
Join us for a student-focused lunch and learn event, offering an opportunity to connect with BKC staff and representatives from tech-related campus organizations and centers at Harvard. Discover ways to get involved with the Berkman Klein Center, including research and student work, events, and immersing in the BKC community. Thursday, September 12, 11:00am-12:30pm ET, in-person only, on the 5th floor of the Lewis Building located at Harvard Law School. Drop in for 15 minutes or stay for the whole time. Bring your Harvard ID card for access to the building. Lunch will be served throughout the event.
This student event is part of our day of Beyond Discourse Dumpster Fires: Strategies and Tools for Better Online Civil Space launch event for the 2025 academic year. You can RSVP here to the whole event or parts of it. We look forward to seeing you there! To RSVP for the student event, navigate to the in-person RSVP form, and follow the instructions to register. Once you register, you will be asked about your affiliation – please check “student”, and then you will be given the option to register for the 11:00am-12:30pm lunch and learn event.
11:00 AM-11:30 AM: Lightning talks (Lightning talks will be recorded and shared out after the event)
Discover exciting projects and student opportunities from the BKC community through a series of dynamic lightning talks. Gain insights into the rapidly changing tech landscape and learn about innovative initiatives and groundbreaking work.
11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Connect with BKC staff and representatives from tech-related organizations and centers at Harvard.
Explore the Berkman Klein Center while visiting various tech-related tables across two floors. This is a great opportunity to discover how you can engage with different initiatives and plan projects relevant to your interests.
Representatives include:
AI Student Safety Team (AISST)
AI & Tech Policy Caucus at HKS
Applied Social Media Lab (ASML)/Rebooting Social Media (RSM)
Cyberlaw Clinic
Digital Data Design (D^3) Initiative
Institutional Data Initiative
Law and Technology Society
Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT)
Library Innovation Lab (LIL)
Safra Center for Ethics
Shorenstein Center
Student Leaders in AI (SLAI) & BKC Student Engagement
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