The Summer Doctoral Programme (SDP)

The Summer Doctoral Programme (SDP) is a joint effort of the Berkman Center and the Oxford Internet Institute, which provides top doctoral students from around the world with the opportunity to work for a few intensive weeks with leading figures in Internet research.
The program, in its fifth year, was hosted at Harvard Law School from July 16-27, 2007.
In an effort to provide access to the discussions and events while they took place, we offered an aggregator of participant - both students and faculty - blogs, photos, and more.
The 2007 SDP wiki is also available to view the schedule of events, syllabus and readings, presentations, and other materials accumulated over the two weeks.
An SDP H2O playlist has also been created for those interested in the materials suggested by participants.
2007 SDP Instructors:
Michael Best, Fellow, Berkman
John Clippinger, Senior Fellow, Berkman
Judith Donath, Associate Professor, MIT Media Lab and Berkman Faculty Fellow
William Dutton, Director of the OII, Professor of Internet Studies at the University of Oxford
Rob Faris, Research Director, Berkman
Brian Fitzgerald, Professor of Law, Queensland University of Technology
Marcus Foth, Senior Research Fellow, QUT
Terry Fisher, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School and Berkman Faculty Director
Urs Gasser, Director of the Research Center on Information Law, University of St Gallen, Switzerland and Berkman Faculty Fellow
Dan Gillmor, Founder, Center for Citizen Media and Berkman Research Fellow
Lewis Hyde, Fellow, Berkman
Karim Lakhani, Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School and Berkman Faculty Fellow
Colin Maclay, Managing Director, Berkman
Helen Margetts, Professor of Internet & Society, OII
John Palfrey, Clinical Professor of Law, Harvard Law School and Berkman Executive Director
Ralph Schroeder, James Martin Fellow, OII
Doc Searls, Research Fellow, Berkman
Wendy Seltzer, Visiting Professor of Law, Northeastern University and Berkman Fellow
Talha Syed, Harvard Law School
David Weinberger, Research Fellow, Berkman
Jonathan Zittrain, Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation, OII and Berkman Faculty Co-Director
Ethan Zuckerman, Berkman Research Fellow
2007 SDP Student Bios