Your Face Belongs to Us: A Conversation with Kashmir Hill
On October 25th at the Berkman Klein Center Kashmir Hill, tech reporter for the New York Times, spoke about her new book Your Face Belongs to Us: A Secretive Startup’s Quest to End Privacy As We Know It.It’s the story of a small AI company that gave the power of instant facial recognition to law enforcement, billionaires, and businesses.
In conversation with Professor Jonathan Zittrain, Hill discussed her book-length investigation into the ultimate surveillance tool. From mainstream entertainment venue surveillance to alluring cell phone apps, she traces how tech companies slowly primed citizens to passively accept facial recognition tech that can easily be used–and abused–for social control.
Kashmir Hill is a tech reporter at The New York Times, where her writing about the intersection of privacy and technology pioneered the genre. Hill has worked and written for a number of publications, including The New Yorker, The Washington Post, Gizmodo, Popular Science, Forbes, and many others.
Jonathan Zittrain is a professor of law and professor of computer science at Harvard University, where he co-founded the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. He wrote The Future of the Internet—And How to Stop It, and is working on its sequel, Well, We Tried.