A compilation of former BKC fellows sharing their thoughts, tips, and insights into the fellows program.
"As a first-year doctoral candidate, my time as a graduate student fellow at BKC has proven to be a pivotal force in shaping my academic research agenda. Immersed in a dynamic exchange of ideas within this vibrant community of scholars and supported by the dedicated BKC staff, the fellowship has significantly enriched my formative year in the doctoral program. Engaging with a diverse array of perspectives has not only refined the focus of my research but also infused me with new insights and aspirations and clarified how my work fits into the broader conversations within the field." - Shira Gur Arieh
"My first semester at BKC has been an expansive and enriching experience. I am grateful to be able to engage with a diverse, interdisciplinary community of researchers and innovators. I am especially appreciative of the BKC staff in fostering a warm, generous, and collaborative community of fellows—who are all doing extraordinary work in their respective fields. I would highly recommend this opportunity to learn from a range of perspectives and experiences, and take advantage of the unparalleled resources available at BKC, Harvard, and the broader academic and entrepreneurial communities in Boston." - Mehtab Khan
“I come from the field of open source research, our work ranges from analyzing the activities of far-right movements on online platforms to tracking incidents in conflict regions using satellite imagery. To do this type of investigative journalism, we depend on using various online tools and platforms. At Berkman Klein Center, I am immersed in a worldwide community of experts who are reflecting on the wider context of those tools and platforms from an academic and often also from a legal point of view. Getting insights into the various disciplines represented at the center has broadened my own perspective and has provided me with new ideas for my own work.” - Johanna Wild

“I'm grateful to have been embraced so warmly by the incredible global community of the BKC. Being here has enabled me to forge connections with critical technology and law scholars I would have otherwise never crossed paths with, which has already informed my own work on carceral technology and will continue to shape my career for years to come. In a time of unprecedented societal impact by technology, it is crucial to put people from different backgrounds and disciplines in conversation to forge a technological future that exists to promote liberation and justice.” –Dasha Pruss

“My time at BKC as a fellow has been nothing short of transformative; being a graduate student and a fellow – immersed in a nonpareil ecosystem of minds and ideas – has been an enriching experience. As a political scientist who is interested in the conjunction of technology and international politics, I have found a wonderful intellectual home and a rich site for disruptive ideas at BKC. Even more so, I am blown away by the richness and impact of casual conversations and open-air big-thinking – I can hardly think of another place as special and meaningful in my journey and growth as an academic.” –Brandon Sullivan

"At a time when internet infrastructures have become the backbone of AI proliferation, sensing and surveillance technologies, education and workplace platforms, entertainment, government, law enforcement, and national security, understanding their social impacts has perhaps never been more important. Luckily, the Berkman Klein Center is home to a vast network of interdisciplinary scholars who have been thinking about these issues for a long time! At BKC, I’ve found a wonderful community of generous and informed scholars and importantly several new friends keen to connect over coffee or a cocktail and share ideas." –Lauren Bridges

"My first semester at the BKC, my experience has been fantastic. The confluence of varied perspectives has been invaluable, encouraging a more comprehensive and critical approach to my research while building numerous collaborations. The dedicated efforts of the BKC staff, notably Rebecca and Patrick, have been extraordinary in fostering a kind, collaborative, engaging, and enriching community." –Diana Freed

“My first semester at the BKC has been everything I had hoped it would be - a true fellowship of interdisciplinary scholars committed to using technology and law to promote justice. I have grown tremendously from hearing the diverse perspectives and methodological approaches to questions of the fellows in my cohort. The BKC staff - especially Rebecca and Patrick — do an amazing job of building community. National and global leaders in the field come through the BKC offices regularly. The BKC is an ever stimulating home on the fifth floor of the Lewis Building at HLS, where the next generation of ideas to fuel a better Internet are fostered and supported.” –Madhavi Sunder

"At the BKC, I've encountered a generous and diverse community willing to share, discuss and learn from each other. My work has been enriched by a bunch of interesting and passionate people from all corners of the internet & the world: artists, lawyers, scholars, tecnnologists, you name it." –Juliana Castro

“In today’s divided world, the power of community is more important than ever. The Berkman Klein Center fosters an environment of critical inquiry hand-in-hand with friendship and kindness. You could not hope for a better place to support your work! Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about the BKC Fellowship.” –Petra Molnar

“If you're looking for a community of thinkers and doers who are changing the conversations around technology and society, the Berkman Klein Center is the place to be. Being a Berkman Klein Fellow has allowed me to advance my own research and practice in dialogue with amazing colleagues from across the globe. I am constantly inspired by the generosity of spirit in this community.” –Ashley Lee

“Being part of the BKC community means that you are constantly encouraged to express views, invited to candid debates and in-depth conversations on pressing issues, but also challenged to think differently and compelled to make your work more socially conscious, more effective, and beneficial to others.” –Marta Basystyuk

"The experience of being a fellow at Berkman is unique. The BKC community is a hive mind where your ideas and horizons expand exponentially. It is a constellation of forces that are pushing the frontiers of experimentation and deep intellectual challenge. A collective engine that blends generosity, talent and the desire to contribute to making the world a better place for everyone." –Paola Ricaurte Quijano

"The BKC fellowship offered a year of immersion in the discussions and activities happening at the intersection of technology, law, and society. I appreciate being able to participate in the ongoing conversations and communities." –Jasmine McNealy

"One of the most exciting aspects of being a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center was interacting and collaborating with a diverse group of scholars and practitioners enthusiastic about using their knowledge, experience and time for effecting positive social change. This community has been an important source of inspiration, and I am excited to continue the collaborations and friendships built through fellows hours, working groups, fellows dinners and one-on-one meetings."–Hyunjin Seo

"I found my time at BKC very rewarding because of the diversity of members — from different areas of scholarship, phases in career, region, discipline — paired with generosity in explaining these perspectives leads to a very supportive and curious environment that strengthens each person's research." –Mindy Seu

“My fellowship year at BKC was very stimulating academically, socially, and professionally. As a PhD student who doesn’t believe in being locked up in the library, BKC was a great place to meet, interact, and collaborate with like-minded people from diverse disciplines and different backgrounds. I especially enjoyed the ability to translate my academic knowledge into practice and to think with enthusiastic colleagues how can we broaden the scope of our work and expand it beyond the BKC network,” Doaa Abu-Elyounes

“BKC is different from any other academic institution because of its uniquely diverse community which brings together scholars, activists, and practitioners from all corners of the world. The scholars at BKC may speak a dozen languages but they share a collective passion for inquiry and pushing intellectual boundaries. Through BKC, I had the opportunity to broaden my horizon and learn about research outside academe. It actually made me change my career path. I believe it was one of the most enriching experiences I’ve ever had,” Emad Khazraee

“The Berkman Klein community is one of the most vibrant, open, supportive, and intellectually stimulating communities I have been a member of. Being a fellow not only introduced me to different ways to think through my work, but it also provided me the space to experiment with ideas and concepts that I think of as integral to my post-graduate school career. The Center is a space that fosters the pushing of boundaries in our work while providing a safe and supportive cocoon within which to do so,” james Wahutu

“One of the many advantages to this fellowship for me has been consistent support and enthusiasm about discussing issues related to race, diversity, racism, and justice. Coalescing around values of compassion and kindness is the kind of community I cherish, so please go on and apply...and reach out to any of us if you have questions. You’ll find lots of encouragement for your submission!” Jenny Korn

“Joining as a student fellow in particular made me appreciate the contributions I could make to the field of law and technology before I graduated by working and simply being an active member of the BKC community,” Crystal Nwaneri

“Being part of the Berkman Klein community has changed the way I see the world and my place in it. I’ve been able to make so many new connections within and around my work, and it continues to take me in new and exciting directions that I know I would not be traveling if it weren’t for all the brilliant people I get to learn from at the Center,” Jonathan Sun

“BKC’s network, opportunities, and relationships have broadened my perspective, educated me about ethical aspects of technology, and provided invaluable support toward achieving my goals,” Meng Weng Wong

“The Berkman Klein community is a wonderful, multi-faceted grouping of people, skills and talents, that ends up inspiring and supporting you in ways you hadn’t expected and which you end up contributing to in ways you perhaps didn’t expect you could. Being part of the Berkman Klein community helped lift my work to a whole different level. Together, you can build amazing things,” Nani Jansen Reventlow

“Berkman Klein gave me the most important thing in my career: a community of peers who really want to see each other thrive. This is why when someone asks me if they should apply to be a fellow I say “no (longest possible pause) you must!” Paola Villarreal

“I have been in several academic institutions, in multiple countries, and Berkman broke all of my expectations of what an academic institution is… Berkman is an academic institution, and yet more a community than an ivory tower, aiming to combine grassroots flavours without ignoring its privilege. Who would have said that I would find this, and in the middle of Harvard!” Samer Hassan

“Berkman Klein became a supportive community of people I can count on to read a draft of something I write before I post it, or to talk through a difficult decision and urge me to find my own voice. Parts of my work this year were challenging in unexpected ways, and I’m thankful to have had the support of this inspiring and encouraging group,” Sara Watson