Berkman Center Announces 2014-2015 Community

Cambridge, MA - The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University today announced the fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates who will join the community in the 2014-2015 academic year, continuing a tradition of providing a home for some of the most incisive minds in law, technology, and social science, alongside path-breaking entrepreneurs and activists.
“The incoming class of Berkman fellows, associates, and affiliates brings together an extraordinary group of thinkers, explorers, researchers, creators, bridge-builders, movers, and shakers from various disciplines and different parts of the world" said Urs Gasser, Berkman's Executive Director and Professor of Practice at Harvard Law School. "Collectively, they reflect the breadth and depth of a rapidly evolving Internet & society research agenda and form part of an expanding human and institutional network focused on such issues. We're thrilled to work with such a diverse, talented, inspired, and committed group of colleagues and friends over the next academic year and beyond."
The diverse class of fellows will primarily work in Cambridge, MA alongside Berkman Directors and staff, and will serve as key instigators within the vibrant research community. Honoring the networked ethos central to Berkman, faculty associates and affiliates from institutions the world over will actively collaborate with the Berkman community through an array of channels. These relationships, as well as the countless fruitful engagements with alumni, partners, students, interns, and other colleagues, are fundamental to the Berkman Center’s work and identity, and serve to increase the capacity of the field and generate opportunities for lasting impact.
Joining the community in 2014-2015 as Berkman fellows:
Ellery Roberts Biddle will write, coordinate coverage, and lead cross-disciplinary research on bloggers and online activists under threat in her role as the editor of Global Voices' Advocacy project.
Monica Bulger, Research Associate at the Oxford Internet Institute and independent research consultant, will collaborate with a global network to analyze policy and provision related to children’s rights in the digital age and advance understanding of the role of digital literacy in reducing youth’s risky behaviors online.
Neal Cohen, a New York and English qualified lawyer at White & Case LLP, will research and analyze the global convergence of data protection and privacy laws and their greater impact on society.
Jack Cushman will work with the Harvard Law Library Innovation Lab to develop a digital preservation network owned and operated by libraries.
Nathanial Freitas, of the Guardian Project and Tibet Action Institute, will develop an online resource that assists in mapping the intersection between cryptography, communications law and actual enforcement, to give "liberation tech" tool developers insight into the legal risks that their users might face.
Erhardt Graeff, a Ph.D. candidate at the MIT Media Lab and MIT Center for Civic Media and a founding trustee of The Awesome Foundation, will be working on the future of civics education by investigating design principles for civic technologies that promote reflection.
Sam Gustin, a journalist exploring the intersection of technology, media, and politics, will focus on U.S. communications and broadband policy from the national to the local level.
Maggie Koerth-Baker, freelance science journalist, New York Times Magazine columnist, and science editor at BoingBoing.net, will study the process, history and ethics of medical development and human testing, with a particular focus on the flu vaccine. She is a Nieman-Berkman Fellow in Journalism Innovation.
Kate Krontiris, independent researcher, strategist, and facilitator focused on civic life in America, will explore two topics: 21st century girlhood, and Americans' awareness of their government's presence in their lives.
Miguel Paz Rueda, journalist, former Knight ICFJ Fellow, and founder and CEO of Poderomedia, an organization that promotes transparency and digital innovation, will study new data visualization models, innovative news startups, and civic media approaches to building quality sustainable journalism models. He is also a Nieman-Berkman Fellow in Journalism Innovation.
Mayte Peters, founder and chair of Publixphere, a Berlin-based non-profit, will study changing notions of politics and political participation with a particular focus on the European Union, and explore existing and potential tools for enhancing the digital networked public sphere.
Luis Felipe R. Murillo, a Ph.D. candidate at UCLA Anthropology, will explore the transnational, political, and ethical dimensions of Free and Open Source projects on data, software, and hardware.
Sonya Y. Song, a Ph.D. candidate in Media and Information at Michigan State University with a background in computer science and journalism, will investigate Internet policy, social media and their impact, and technological innovations across newsrooms.
John Stubbs, Managing Partner of advisory firm Romulus Global Issues Management, will examine transparency and international trade negotiations.
Emy Tseng, a Senior Communications Program Specialist at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) at the U.S. Department of Commerce, will research Internet and mobile usage in low-income and underserved communities in emerging economies.
Rajesh Veeraraghavan, Ph.D. candidate at UC Berkeley and research fellow at the Transparency and Accountability Initiative, will explore the technical, social, and political use of high-resolution satellite map data to improve the quality of public infrastructure in India.
Ching-Lin Wang, a Prosecutor in the Nantou District Prosecutors Office in the Ministry of Justice of Taiwan, will examine the surveillance of encrypted instant messages, explore issues of gaming and access, and consider the implications of The Communication Security and Surveillance Act of Taiwan.
Clarence Wardell III, a Research Scientist at CNA and co-founder of tinyGive, will advance research projects at the intersection of new media with law enforcement, disaster response, and cause engagement; specifically examining issues of participation, value, and giving voice to minority communities.
Rebecca Weintraub, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Faculty Director of the Global Health Delivery Project at Harvard Medical School, will continue to develop GHDonline.org, a professional virtual platform for health care delivery collaboration, and research ways to formalize and credential health care delivery knowledge.
Josephine Wolff, a Ph.D. candidate in the Engineering Systems Division at MIT, will investigate the layering of social, technical, and policy security mechanisms and the interactions between them to develop defense in depth design patterns for computer systems.
New faculty associates in 2014-2015 include:
Munmun De Choudhury, Kelly Dobson, Dorothea Kleine, Hila Lifshitz, Maria Lilla Montagnani, Benjamin Peters, Sophia Roosth, Siva Vaidhyanathan, and Heather Whitney
New affiliates in 2014-2015 are:
Brendan Greeley, Tatiana Indina, Ethan Katsh, Mary-Catherine Lader, Greg Leppert, Raizel Liebler, James Losey, Francesco Marconi, Lauren McCarthy, Kurt Opsahl, Max Schorr, Daniel Stauffacher, and Mitali Thakor
Berkman remains proud of and grateful to the following returning community members who will retain affiliations at Berkman in the coming year.
Returning as fellows:
Matthew Battles, Whitney Erin Boesel, Sara Boettiger, Willow Brugh, Ryan Budish, Sandra Cortesi, Kate Darling, Primavera De Filippi, Juan Carlos de Martin, Ana Enriquez, Bruce Etling, Sands Fish, Camille Francois, Paulina Haduong, Felipe Heusser, Peter Hirtle, Malavika Jayaram, SJ Klein, Rosemary Leith, Andrew Lowenthal, Venancio Massingue, J. Nathan Matias, Claire McCarthy, Dalia Othman, John Palfrey, Leah Plunkett, Hal Roberts, Bruce Schneier, Andy Sellars, Ivan Sigal, Peter Suber, Alexander Trechsel, Sara Marie Watson, Rebecca Weiss, and Alexandra Wood
Returning as faculty associates:
Beth Altringer, David Ardia, Susan Benesch, Dalida Maria Benfield, Fernando Bermejo, Michael Best, Herbert Burkert, Gabriella Coleman, Sasha Costanza-Chock, Niva Elkin-Koren, Mayo Fuster Morell, Dan Gillmor, Oliver Goodenough, Eric Gordon, Shane Greenstein, Alison Head, Benjamin Mako Hill, Rey Junco, Beth Kolko, Pushpa Kumar, Laura Kurgan, Karim Lakhani, Harry Lewis, Kevin Lewis, Sonia Livingstone, Catharina Maracke, Wayne Marshall, Silvio Meira, Joseph Reagle, Nagla Rizk, Geanne Rosenberg, Christian Sandvig, Aaron Shaw, Clay Shirky, Dennis Tenen, Zeynep Tufekci, K. "Vish" Viswanath, and Dorothy Zinberg
Returning as the Fellows Advisory Board:
Judith Donath, Eszter Hargittai, Colin Maclay, Wendy Seltzer, Jake Shapiro, David Weinberger, and Ethan Zuckerman
Returning as affiliates:
Kendra Albert, Axel Arnbak, Gerrit Beger, danah boyd, Catherine Bracy, Cheryl Contee, Aimee Corrigan, Timothy Davies, Ron Deibert, Nick Grossman, Jerome Hergueux, Joichi Ito, Amy Johnson, John Kelly, Amanda Lenhart, Yanni Loukissas, Mary Madden, Caroline Nolan, Helmi Noman, Oluwaseun Odewale, Amanda Palmer, Matthew Pearl, Jonathon Penney, Justin Reich, Molly Sauter, Hasit Shah, Dino Sossi, Baratunde Thurston, Kevin Wallen, Tricia Wang, and Jeffrey Young
About the Berkman Center for Internet and Society:
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University is a research program founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development. Founded in 1997, through a generous gift from Jack N. and Lillian R. Berkman, the Center is home to an ever-growing community of faculty, fellows, staff, and affiliates working on projects that span the broad range of intersections between cyberspace, technology, and society. More information can be found at http://cyber.harvard.edu.
Rebecca Tabasky