Eric M.K
Osiakwan is the Executive Secretary both of the African Internet Service
Providers Association (AfrISPA, www.afrispa.org)
and the Ghana Internet Service Providers Association (GISPA, www.gispa.org.gh). He is also a Visiting
Fellow and Scholar at the Stanford University and Reuters Foundation Digital
Vision Program @ http://rdvp.org/fellows/2004-2005/erik-osiakwan/,
Project Co-ordinator for UC Berkeley TIER Group in Ghana @ http://tier.cs.berkeley.edu and
affiliate of the Berkman Centre for Internet and Society at the Harvard Law School
@ http://cyber.harvard.edu
During the
past five years, he has been involved in a number of information and
communication technology (ICT) related projects and initiatives in the US,
Europe and Africa for a number of Governments, companies, NGOs, and
international agencies. He is currently a Consultant to the WorldBank’s
Information for Development program on Open Access for Africa (InfoDev, www.infodev.org). He is also a consultant to
BusyInternet (www.busyinternet.com),
UNDP Ghana and OSIWA (www.osiwa.org).
Eric was invited by the Royal African Society to contributed ideas
to Prime Minister Tony Blairs’ Commission for Africa @ http://www.commissionforafrica.org/english/consultation/bob_geldofs_seminars/african-letters/Eric_Osiakwan.pdf
He self published a research
document on Ghana’s Internet Industry (GII). Co-authored “The Internet in
Ghana” with the Mosaic group using the GDI methodology @ http://www.fosterandbrahm.com/GhanaGDI.pdfand also co-authored the Ghana chapter of Negotiating The Net (NTN) – the
Politics of Internet Diffusion in Africa @ http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/ntn/ghana/ghana_7-01-04.doc.
He is an
associate of Spintrack AB, Sweden (www.spintrack.com),
Balancing Act, UK (www.balancingact-africa.com)
and African Analysis CC, S.A (www.africaanalysis.co.za).
He is also a director of InHand ltd (www.inhand.co.ke)
and PenPlusBytes (www.penplusbytes.net).
He co-founded the Ghana New Ventures Competition (GNVC, www.gnvc.org). He is a member of a number of
professional bodies including:
- Internet Society (ISOC, www.isoc.org)
- Content Management Professional (CM Pros @ www.cmprofessionals.org)
- Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and Numbers (ICANN, www.icann.org)
- Ghana Institute of Information Technology (GIIT, www.infoelink.com/GIIT)