The CMLP on choosing an ISP
From the Citizen Media Law Project blog:
There are a lot of things to consider when making the decision to launch a blog or website, including questions of cost, ease of use, and ownership of content. Understanding how these considerations impact your legal rights and potential liability can help you make an intelligent choice as to what platform to use and what precautions to take when you speak online (we've got a whole section on these concerns, and others, in our legal guide). But one area most people tend to overlook is whether their prospective ISP or hosting provider values -- and is willing to stand up for -- free speech rights.
In a fascinating post on Public Citizen's Consumer Law & Policy Blog, Paul Alan Levy recounts a disturbing series of events that led to the repeated takedown of Ronald Riley's "gripe site" about the infamous "cyberlawyer" John Dozier, www.cybertriallawyer-sucks.com. Paul's cautionary tale highlights the importance of assessing -- before you are embroiled in a legal dispute -- whether your ISP or hosting provider will stand up for your free speech rights.