News and Information as Digital Media Come of Age
Media Re:public paper series now available
We are pleased to announce a major research release:
Media Re:public: News and Information as Digital Media Come of Age,
a series of papers exploring the potential and the challenges of the emerging networked digital media environment.
The Media Re:public series was put together over the course of a year of examining the news media in the U.S., engaging with journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists, public broadcasters, publishers, advertising networks, researchers, technologists, and many others. (John Palfrey's account is here.) It builds on previous discussions, such as the 2005 Blogging, Journalism & Credibility conference, and highlights the need for a new public conversation about reinventing journalism in the public interest. This inclusive conversation should aim to build on the best from all areas -- the energy of participatory media and the expertise of professional journalists, the competitive drive of commercial media and the commitment to excellence of public broadcasters, the dedication and deep knowledge of community organizations and advocacy groups and the interests and energy of the public. The Media Re:public project’s research process benefited from a large and varied group of contributors, authors, and interlocutors. The project was supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
Please share the video! then visit the Media Re:public paper series download site to access:
Overview paper
- News and Information as Digital Media Come of Age (Persephone Miel, Robert Faris)
- International News: Bringing about the Golden Age (Ethan Zuckerman)
- Principles for a New Media Literacy (Dan Gillmor)
- Public Broadcasting and Public Affairs: Opportunities and challenges for public broadcasting’s role in provisioning the public with news and public affairs (Pat Aufderheide, Jessica Clark)
- Digital Media, Democracy and Diversity: an Imperfect Discourse (Ernest J. Wilson III)
- Pride of Place: Mainstream Media and the Networked Public Sphere (John Kelly)
- Editors -- the best is yet to come? (Tom Stites)
- A Typology for Media Organizations
Case studies
- iReport: Participatory Media Joins a Global News Brand
- The Gothamist Network: Gateway to Local News?
- The Forum, Deerfield, NH: Seeking Sustainability in Hyperlocal Journalism
- The Chi-Town Daily News: Creating a New Supply of Local News
On balance, Media Re:public is cautiously optimistic. There have never been more people involved in the media; their energy has enormous potential to expand the reach of journalism and to bring it closer to the people who need it. The tools that are enabling new kinds of reporting, flexible ways to combine information, and networks that connect people to information and to each other are getting better and better. There are thousands of organizations and skilled people steeped in a strong journalistic tradition whose expertise is irreplaceable. Despite the economic downturn, the world’s largest advertising market and America’s strong traditions of institutional and personal philanthropy represent fantastic resources.
Congratulations to Persephone Miel -- and the legions of great people who worked on and debated every aspect of this important project!
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