CMLP: Documenting the 2009 Presidential Inauguration
The Citizen Media Law Project has released a must-read for anyone planning a trip to DC on January 20 to witness and record history. The latest addition to the CMLP Legal Guide explains everything citizen journalists need to know about where they can go, what they can document and how they can get the most out of the Inauguration.
From the CMLP blog:
Heading to Washington, D.C., to attend the Presidential Inauguration? You're bringing your camera with you, right? Well it shouldn't come as any surprise that heightened security measures across the Washington area will affect where you can go, what you can bring with you, and what you can do to document the inaugural events. In an effort to help the estimated two million people who are expected to attend some of the events, we've just published a legal primer on attending and documenting the 2009 Presidential Inauguration.
We expect that many attendees will want to document the events, whether for purposes of reporting on a blog or other website, or simply to create a personal record of their own experiences. During the Inauguration, strict security measures will be in place across the area, particularly where official events are taking place. These security measures, as well as tickets, permits, and credentialing requirements, will affect what you can do to document the events. CONTINUED
A special hat tip goes to Cyberlaw Clinic student Alexandra Davies for her hard work on the primer. The full guide to documenting the Inauguration can be viewed on the CMLP website. The guide is also available as a one-page printable pamphlet.
CMLP began rolling out its Legal Guide in January 2008 and continues to add information addressing the legal issues creators of citizen media may encounter as they gather information and publish their work. The guide is intended for use by citizen media creators with or without formal legal training, as well as others with an interest in these issues.