OpenNet Initiative releases 2009 Middle East & North Africa research
The Berkman Center is pleased to share an announcement from the OpenNet Initiative (ONI): the partnership has released new studies of Internet filtering in the Middle East and North Africa.
The 2008-2009 Middle East and North Africa regional overview and country profiles can be accessed at: http://opennet.net/research/regions/mena; and the ONI blog features an extensive Q&A on the release and findings. There is also a formal press release: Government Internet Filtering Increases in the Middle East and North Africa.
These reports provide updated information on Internet controls in the Middle East and North Africa and a point of comparison to the ONI's 2006-2007 global survey. They join updated reports on China and Iran, which were completed earlier this summer and are also available at http://opennet.net along with all of the ONI's work to date.
In the next few months the ONI will be releasing more new research -- covering Asia, Latin America, Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Sub-Saharan Africa, Australia and the US/Canada -- culminating in a new book, Access Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights and Rule in Cyberspace.
Congratulations to the ONI team at Berkman and to their partners at Toronto, Cambridge, and Oxford on this major release!