Digital Natives: Born Digital in the News
The Digital Natives Project has some exciting news about Born Digital. Digital Natives intern Diana Kimball writes,
Just yesterday, we got word that Born Digital — written by DN’s own John Palfrey and Urs Gasser — was named one of Library Journal’s “Best Science and Technology Books of 2008.” This is quite an honor, particularly since it’s the only book to appear in the Computer Science category!
We were especially excited to see Born Digital make the Book Reviews blog for the River Forest Public Library as Joanna’s March Recommendation. According to Joanna, 'It’s a must read for anyone who works with teens on a daily basis.' When the Digital Natives project began, that’s exactly what we were hoping for: to be able to get the right information to the right people at the right time, to make the prospect of interacting with and mentoring Digital Natives a little more legible. Thanks to Joanna for the kind words and strong recommendation. CONTINUED...
Congratulations to authors John Palfrey and Urs Gasser, and the entire Digital Natives team! Join the conversation about Born Digital and related themes and research with the Digital Natives team and others via the Digital Natives site, where you'll find links to the project wiki, blog, YouTube channel, and many other social tools and resources like the Born Digital responses page.