Digital Natives: music fans and online community
The Digital Natives Reporters in the Field series continues with "azn.play: a conversation with blogger Qin Zhi Lau." Here's the interview as presented on the the Digital Natives blog:
Rest your eyes — we’re going audio-only this week. Digital Natives reporter Nikki Leon chatted online with Qin Zhi Lau, a second-year Princeton student who runs the blog aznplay.com in his spare time. Although the blog started as a side project for QZ (as he’s sometimes called), it’s become a small-scale hub for English-speaking fans of Asian music. In this interview, QZ gives insight into what it’s like to manage an online community and how being a digital native has shaped his view of the world.
Listen here:
DownloadCome back each Wednesday for more multimedia on Digital Natives issues!
Stay tuned for more Reporters in the Field episodes that, by doing and creating, explore the themes of the Digital Natives project and of John Palfrey and Urs Gasser's just-published Born Digital. And join in the exploration by commenting in text or video on the Digital Natives blog or YouTube channel.
Also on the horizon!
more Born Digital book release talks / parties in:
- Seattle, tonight!
- Cambridge, 9/23 (come for the whole day and attend the Internet Safety Technical Task Force Public Meeting!)
- Washington, DC, 10/15, details TBA
- Chicago, 11/12, details TBA