Harnessing technology for social good
[updated April 11]
(Photo: Ford Foundation, CC BY-NC)
[April 11 update: The Wired for Change Remix Competition!]
Last month the Ford Foundation hosted the Wired for Change conference ("Inspiring Technology for Social Good"), and a pack of Berkman Center folks, friends, and family were in New York for the event. Ford has posted full videos of all of the sessions, and more, on the Ford Foundation website and Vimeo and YouTube channels.
Wired for Change: A Recap from Ford Foundation on Vimeo. |
The Wired for Change videos are an impressive collection of ideas and challenges. Where to start? We began with Ford Foundation President Luis Ubiñas' energetic closing remarks (video | transcript) —
It's also abundantly clear that the use of technology for social good will not materialize spontaneously, and it is by no means a certainty. It will happen only if we make a deliberate effort to envision a role for technology in advancing social good, and then deliberately work to fulfill that vision.
— before working our way through the other sessions, for example: Walt Mossberg moderating Yochai Benkler, Elana Berkowitz, Susan Crawford, and Fred Wilson in an eye-opening discussion of broadband access, Navigating the Global Marketplace Online; Ira Glass interviews Damian Kulash debates John Hodgeman, concerning net neutrality; and Ethan Zuckerman moderating Duy Hoang, Solana Larsen, John Palfrey, and Brett Solomon in a very timely conversation about open networks, democratization, and human rights, Hacking Our Way Back to Democracy. Berkman staffer Jillian York live-blogged the day.
We hope that you will also take some time to consider and contend with the many urgent discussions from Wired for Change and to help carry them forward. Begin in the middle of things, if you like, with President Bill Clinton's special address:
Wired for Change: A Special Address from President Clinton from Ford Foundation on Vimeo. |