Haiyan Survivors Are Desperately Seeking Water, Food and Aid. How Can We Help?
Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest storms in recorded history, has killed thousands in central Philippines.
According to our local authors many more are stranded, without food, water and aid, in a wasteland that used to be their homes. Aid is simply not arriving quickly enough to these communities that survived Haiyan, locally referred to as Yolanda.
A week after the super typhoon hit the provinces of Leyte and Samar, in the Visayas islands, we'll be talking to our Philippine authors and some aid workers about how the country is coping with the disaster, the progress in rescue operations, and what we - the concerned international community - can do to help.
Watch live and join the conversation with your questions at this link on Friday, Nov 15 at 4pm UTC / 11am US Eastern Time.
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