Dr Pushpa Kumar Lakshmanan is a Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2013-2014) and a Faculty Associate at the Berkman Center/Harvard Law School, Harvard University, U.S.A. Pushpa is from the Law Centre-I, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, India where he works as an Assistant Professor (Senior Scale).
As a Fulbright Scholar, Pushpa's primary focus is on Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) for Utilization of Genetic Resources (GR) and Traditional Knowledge (TK). He makes a comparative study on developing and developed country concerns on ABS, particularly, implementation of the Nagoya Protocol between Parties and Non-Parties like the U.S. His aims at fixing the gray areas in international law, international governance and national approaches concerning access to GR and TK and the related issues in biotech patents, intellectual property rights (IPR), technology transfer etc. His study will clarify the legal mechanisms and offer models for ABS for utilization of GR and TK within and outside the Nagoya Protocol.