silvio meira [born ’55, in brazil, married, father of three] holds a BSEE (ITA, brazil, '77), an MSc in Computer Science [ufpe, brazil, '81] and a PhD in Computing [university of kent at canterbury, uk '85]. silvio has retired [in 2014] as full professor of software engineering at the center for informatics at the federal university of pernambuco [ufpe] at recife and where he supervised more than 150 msc and phd dissertations and theses [since 1985]. meira has published more than 300 scientific papers in career. also the former chief scientist of c.e.s.a.r, centro de estudos e sistemas avançados do recife, silvio is one of the founders and current chairman of the board of porto digital, chair of the national institute of science and technology for software engineering, INES, in recife, brazil, and one of the founders and agent provocateur at ikewai.com, a business design and development network at porto digital. in this academic year, silvio meira is an associate professor at the center for technology and society at the getúlio vargas foundation, rio de janeiro, brazil.
silvio served –among many others- as a member of the board for philips latin america, the national science research council [in brazil, for computer science] and of the federal innovation agency [finep, based in rio de janeiro]. silvio is a founding member of the brazilian internet steering committee and of the national committee for quality in higher education, founding member former president of the brazilian computer society. silvio is also a nationally syndicated columnist and blogger, writing about ICTs and their social, economical and political impacts. his blog home is boletim.de/silvio and his twitter handle is @srlm.