Sarah Szalavitz is the founder and CEO of 7 Robot, a social design agency. 7 Robot’s mission is to transform storytelling into storysharing, and works with studios, platforms, and brands to build cross platform communities.
Prior to founding 7 Robot, she acquired content for Veoh Networks, putting together over 1000 deals with content creators and owners, ranging from Facebook to MTV to Ask a Ninja. She has consulted for a variety of old and new media companies, including AND, CSG, Generate, the HRTS, Revver and Next New Networks and, additionally, serves as an advisor to several start-ups. Sarah served as a development executive at Brooklyn Films and briefly practiced law. She attended the University of Southern California, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Harvard Law School.
Sarah is a member of the Young Literati’s Steering Committee, the Television Academy’s Interactive Media Peer Group, the Producers Guild, and is the founder the Delicious Digital Brunch. She produceswww.aliveinbaghdad.org, www.awkwardsexstories.com, and the Webby nominated www.zaproot.com. Sarah has moderated panels at conferences including the Broadband World Forum, CES, Digital Hollywood, LATV Fest, MIT MediaLab’s Storytelling 3.0, Monaco Media Forum, Natpe, OMMA, and SXSW, and served as a panelist at many others. Sarah has guest lectured at Columbia College, Film Independent, NYU Film School, UCLA’S Film School and Anderson School of Business, for both the MBA and Executive programs, and USC Cinema School, MBA and Law School.
Press includes:
- http://www.beet.tv/2009/08/money-is-in-making-communities-not-content-sarah-szalavitz-says.html
- http://www.imediaconnection.com/printpage/printpage.aspx?id=23432
- http://cs.entertainmentcareers.net/blogs/tvbiz/archive/2009/03/22/column-we-re-all-frenemies-now.aspx
- http://www.clickz.com/3632086
- http://www.tvweek.com/talking-tv/dealmakers/2008/05/sarah_szalavitz_ceo_of_7_robot.php
- http://newteevee.com/2009/09/09/digital-chiefs-agree-hulu-rules-but-will-that-save-it/
More details may be found at:
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahszalavitz
- http://www.twitter.com/dearsarah