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Past Project

The Ethics of Digitalization

Led by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), the Berkman Klein Center, and the Digital Asia Hub, and in collaboration with the Global Network of Internet & Society Centers (NoC), the ”The Ethics of Digitalisation: From Principles to Practice” project advances dialogue and action at the intersection of science, politics, digital economy, and civil society. 

Digitalization efforts are rapidly proliferating across sectors, prompting new and large-scale ethical challenges that arise from technological development and deployment that have important rights and justice implications. The project will engage interdisciplinary networks of scholars and students, as well as civil society groups, policymakers, and other stakeholders in order to advance research outputs with social relevance in application-related and practice-based contexts such as content moderation, tech-assisted learning, or well-being. 

In 2019, during a panel discussion hosted by the Berkman Klein Center, German Federal President Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier described his efforts to promote a global dialogue about our responsibility for the future and how digital transformation will dramatically reshape industry, government, and society. The newly-announced project builds upon this past event and draws on the NoC’s unique interdisciplinary expertise, geographic reach, diversity of perspectives, and established history of fostering collaboration across borders and boundaries. 

With the German President as patron and the support of Stiftung Mercator, the project is hosting a series of research sprints, interdisciplinary clinics, workshops, and other activities in Europe, the US, and Asia.

AI and Content Moderation: In Fall 2020, the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society hosted a research sprint in which participants focused on the ethical issues that arise as platforms turn to algorithmic content moderation systems. Learn more 

Digital Ethics in Times of Crisis: Covid-19 & Access to Education and Learning Spaces: In Winter 2020, the Berkman Klein Center hosted a research sprint in which participants delved into the societal and ethical aspects of digital transformation and learning, especially in a time of unprecedented global crises. Learn more

Digital Self-Determination: In Spring 2021, the Berkman Klein Center and Digital Asia Hub co-hosted a research sprint in which participants explored how digital self-determination can and should play out in areas such as personal data, health, civic life, the gig economy, and the information economy.  Learn more.

AI Policy Research Clinic with the City of Helsinki: In Summer 2021, the Berkman Klein Center and the City of Helsinki’s Education Division partnered to host an educational program that developed a model for ethical AI support in municipal schools, with models based on participatory design and human accountability. Learn more

Our Work 18

Sep 2, 2021

Open Access Resources for AI in Schools

From the AI Policy Research Clinic hosted by BKC and the City of Helsinki

From the AI Policy Research Clinic hosted by BKC and the City of Helsinki

Jul 6, 2021

BKC Research Clinic Explores Challenges & Opportunities of Public Sector AI Policy in Partnership with City of Helsinki

Early career scholars from around the world navigate the legal, technical, social, and ethical dimensions of successful implementation of AI policy

BKC announces a new education program bringing students together to examine AI policy in a real-world context

Jun 25, 2021

What we learned about the future of education from COVID-19

What is learning and where and how does it happen? The pandemic let us consider these questions in new ways.

What is learning and where and how does it happen? The pandemic let us consider these questions in new ways.

Jun 3, 2021

[Video] Digital Self-Determination Research Sprint Showcase

Video from the final session of the Digital Self-Determination Research Sprint, which offered an opportunity to reflect, celebrate, and look ahead.

May 27, 2021

Building global open-access knowledge on Digital Self-Determination

Research Sprint advances understanding of digital self-determination through international collaboration

Research Sprint advances understanding of digital self-determination through international collaboration

May 27, 2021

A Deep-Dive on Digital Self-Determination

Rory Torres shares her experience as part of Berkman Klein’s latest global research sprint

Rory Torres shares her experience as part of Berkman Klein’s latest global research sprint

May 27, 2021

Open Access Resources on Digital Self-Determination

A living syllabus and a Wikipedia entry on digital self-determination allow the work of the Research Sprint live on and embody some of the key elements of digital self…

May 27, 2021

A New Kind of Newsletter

The Digital Self-Determination Research Sprint ran a weekly newsletter that pulled together insights from speakers, featured key quotes from students, and highlighted some…

Mar 19, 2021

Research sprint examines “digital self-determination” in increasingly interconnected world

Students from around the globe consider digital self-determination and its meaning and impact on individuals, peoples, cultures, and countries

Students from around the globe consider digital self-determination and its meaning and impact on individuals, peoples, cultures, and countries

Harvard Law Today
Feb 16, 2021

Rethinking digital education in a ‘global classroom’

A Q&A with Sidharth Chauhan

A Q&A with Sidharth Chauhan

Feb 9, 2021

Call for Participants

Interested in real-world problem-solving, research with impact and networking opportunities? Join our Spring 2021 online research sprint open to Masters- and PhD-level students…

Feb 8, 2021

Research Sprint Recap: International Program on Digital Ethics Explores COVID-19 and Education

Global student program offers insight and recommendations for policymakers

Global student program offers insight and recommendations for policymakers

Feb 8, 2021

[Video] Re-Imaginations: COVID-19 and Access to Education and Learning Spaces

Digital Ethics in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 & Access to Education and Learning Spaces culminated in an internal showcase that highlighted major themes of the program,…

Feb 8, 2021

Ethics of Digitalization Research Sprint: COVID-19 and Access to Education and Learning Spaces – Evolving Resource List

A resource list of materials — including conference videos, policy papers, and online news articles — that participants in the BKC-hosted Ethics of Digitalization Research Sprint…

Feb 8, 2021

Digital Ethics in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 and Access to Education and Learning Spaces

A collaborative contribution by the participants in an “Ethics of Digitalization” Research Sprint

A collaborative contribution by the participants in an “Ethics of Digitalization” Research Sprint

Oct 29, 2020

Research sprint participants explore digital transformation in time of crisis with focus on education

Students from all over world join international dialogue on the ethics of digitalization

Students from all over world join international dialogue on the ethics of digitalization

Sep 30, 2020

Call for student applications

“Digital Ethics in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 and Access to Education and Learning Spaces”

“Digital Ethics in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 and Access to Education and Learning Spaces”

Aug 17, 2020

International Dialogue on “The Ethics of Digitalisation” Kicks Off in Berlin

BKC Joins German President, HIIG, Digital Asia Hub, and NoC to Launch Global Interdisciplinary Research on Digital Transformation and Policy

We are pleased to announce a new joint project by the Global Network of Internet & Society Centers (NoC) exploring ”The Ethics of Digitalisation: From Principles to Practice.”…

People 11

Point of Contact


Urs Gasser


Malavika Jayaram

Faculty Associate

Related Projects & Tools 06

Digital Self-Determination Research Sprint

From March to May 2021, we co-hosted a virtual program that convened 25 student participants from 21 countries spread over six continents.

Digital Ethics in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 & Access to Education and Learning Spaces

A global research sprint explores digital transformation at a pivotal moment in time

Network of Interdisciplinary Internet & Society Research Centers

A collaborative initiative focused on interdisciplinary research on the development, social impact, policy implications, and legal issues concerning the Internet.


Policy Practice

The Policy Practice is a public interest-oriented program that helps governmental, nonprofit, and private sector organizations implement best practices and turn principles into…

Youth and Media

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Advising Governments

Through this project we assist - in the public-interest - people working in governments across the globe in dealing with pressing challenges related to innovative digital…