Sharing Learning Tools for Youth Digital Life
Over the past seven years, the Youth and Media team at the Berkman Klein Center has worked with young people, educators, researchers, and practitioners on co-designing tools that can be used to learn and teach, in both formal and informal environments, about the digital world. Currently, over 100 such tools, which include curriculum modules, videos, visualizations, and learning experiences, are available through our Digital Literacy Resource Platform (DLRP).
Today, we are happy to share the news that 18 of these open access educational resources have been included in Facebook’s new Digital Literacy Library for educators and will be translated over the coming weeks into over 40 languages, making them available to many more young people and educators around the globe.
We take this moment as an opportunity to share some background on the work the Youth and Media team has been engaged in over the last several years, including the methodology used, the areas of focus, and the platform which hosts these efforts, called the DLRP.