Our community includes a vibrant and diverse network of faculty, staff, fellows, students, and practitioners representing a wide range of backgrounds, philosophies, and disciplines. For press and media inquiries reach out to us at For all other inquiries write to
Stephanie Wang
Stephanie Wang is a resident fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, where her work is focused on the OpenNet…
Tricia Wang
Tricia Wang is a global tech ethnographer who researches how technology makes us human. Her research interests lie at the intersection of technology…
Jia Wang
Jia Wang is an LLD candidate at the Law Faculty of Stellenbosch University (near completion) with her research focus on copyright exceptions and the…
Ching-Lin Wang
Ching-Lin Wang is a research fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and a public prosecutor in Nantou District Prosecutors Office,…
Matt Wansley
Matt Wansley is General Counsel at nuTonomy, an MIT-spinoff self-driving car startup.
Rian Wanstreet
Rian is a PhD Candidate at the University of Washington in Communication/Science, Technology, & Society.
Jeff Ward
Jeff Ward aims to ensure that emerging technologies ultimately empower and ennoble people.
Clarence Wardell
Dr. Clarence Wardell III is a researcher and social entrepreneur who is passionate about using technology to increase and enhance civic engagement.
Waide Warner
Waide Warner is Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School and a Senior Advisor at the CyberLaw Clinic of Harvard Law School and the Berkman Center for…
Sara M. Watson
Sara M. Watson is a writer and technology critic. Sara writes and speaks about emerging issues in the intersection of technology, culture, and…
Gretchen Weber
Gretchen was the Berkman Klein Center's Communications Manager.
Valentin Weber
Valentin Weber is a DPhil Candidate in Cyber Security and Research Affiliate with the Centre for Technology and Global Affairs, University of Oxford.
Ben Weeks
Ben Weeks is a junior software developer at the Berkman Center. He is currently working on the project.
Maxim Weinstein
Maxim Weinstein leads StopBadware, a former Berkman Center project.
Rebecca Weintraub
Rebecca Weintraub is the Faculty Director of the Global Health Delivery (GHD) Project at Harvard University. She is an Assistant Professor at Harvard…
Rebecca Weiss
Rebecca Weiss is the Director of Data Science at Mozilla.
Yana Welinder
Yana is a tech lawyer turned product manager. She is working on disrupting manufacturing with digital production at Carbon. Before that, she tackled…
Donna Wentworth
Donna Wentworth was among the first staff members at the Berkman Center, joining what was then known as the "Center on Law and Technology" in 1997.
Andrew West
Andrew is an undergraduate at Yale University studying Statistics and Data Science. He joins the BKC via the Obama-Chesky Voyager Scholarship, a two…
Sarah Myers West
Sarah Myers West received her doctoral degree from the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and is an affiliate researcher at the…
Ryan Morrison-Westphal
Ryan Westphal joined the Berkman Klein Center as a web developer in 2013.
Molly White
Molly White is a researcher, software engineer, writer, and critic of the cryptocurrency and "web3" industry.
Kesa White
Kesa White is an analyst at TikTok USDS. Prior to working in the tech field, Ms.White worked at the Polarization and Extremism Research and…
Kenny Whitebloom
Kenny Whitebloom is a project coordinator at the Berkman Center, where he works on the Digital Public Library of America planning initiative.
Heather Whitney
Heather Whitney is a Lecturer in Law and Bigelow Teaching Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School. She is also a faculty affiliate at the…
John Wilbanks
John was the Berkman Center's first Assistant Director (from the fall of 1998 to the summer of 2000) and led efforts in Internet-mediated learning…
Claudia Williams
Claudia Williams is a technology executive passionate about harnessing the power of data for health. Her work focuses on creating robust, multi…
Patricia Williams
Patricia J. Williams is a graduate of Wellesley College and Harvard Law School, and Professor Emerita at Columbia University School of Law. At…
Holmes Wilson
Holmes Wilson is an activist and technologist. His current project is Zbay, an attempt at building a secure and easy-to-use online community…
Dave Winer
Winer spent one year as a resident fellow at the Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet & Society where he worked on using weblogs in…
Josephine Wolff
Josephine Wolff is an assistant professor of public policy and computing security at the Rochester Institute of Technology. During the 2015-16 year…
Meng Weng Wong
Meng Weng Wong is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, and computer scientist currently working on, a LegalTech startup building…
Tsui-fang Wu
Tsui-fang Wu is a research fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and a senior Public Prosecutor of Taichung Branch, Taiwan High…
Barry Yang
Barry Shih Yu Yang is currently a prosecutor in Taipei Prosecutors Office. He received his LLB and LLM in National Taiwan University.
Andromeda Yelton
Andromeda Yelton is a software engineer and librarian
Dennis Yi Tenen
Dennis Y. Tenen is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and a member of the research team at Harvard's metaLab. His scholarly work…
Jillian York
Jillian York joined the Berkman Center in the summer of 2008 as project coordinator for the OpenNet Initiative.
Seth Young
Seth manages the Berkman Center's communications efforts...
Jeffrey Young
Jeffrey R. Young is an editor and writer for The Chronicle of Higher Education, where he leads the paper's coverage of technology and its impact on…
Jessica Yurkofsky
Jessica Yurkofsky is a designer with roots in ethnography, computer science, and place-making.
Matt Zagaja
Matt Zagaja is an attorney and hacker from Connecticut. As the Ford Mozilla Technology Exchange Fellow he is working on the Chilling Effects project.
Amy X. Zhang
Amy X. Zhang is a Computer Science Ph.D. candidate at MIT CSAIL, conducting research on social computing and human-computer interaction.
Amy Aixi Zhang
Amy Aixi Zhang joined as a proud Berktern in the summer of 2015, and now serves as a Project Coordinator supporting research and projects related to…
Baobao Zhang
I am a Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow in the Cornell Society of Fellows. At Cornell, I will be working in the Department of Government, with a secondary…
Adam Ziegler
Adam is the Director of Harvard Law School's Library Innovation Lab (LIL).
Dorothy Zinberg
Dorothy Shore Zinberg is Lecturer in Public Policy, Faculty Associate at the BCSIA, and a faculty member with the Program for Science, Technology,…
Shoshana Zuboff
Shoshana Zuboff is an author and academic whose current research focus is on the contested transition to an information civilization.
For 13 years, Nancy was the special assistant to the Director of Community