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Upcoming Events

Mar 14, 2025 @ 12:15 PM

Consumer Agents

The technology has long existed for automated tools that would filter out toxic social media content or a virtual shopping assistant that would find and even purchase the best…

Mar 25, 2025 @ 12:15 PM

AI and Personhood

Join us in the MPR on Tuesday, March 25 from 12:15pm-1:15pm to hear from Duke Law Professor James Boyle, author of The Line: AI and the Future of Personhood.Chatbots like ChatGPT…

Mar 26, 2025 @ 12:30 PM

State AGs: Google and The Future of Antitrust Enforcement

Part of BKC's Spring Speaker Series:State Attorneys General have been increasing active in antitrust enforcement – both in focusing on the impact of challenges to competition in…

Mar 27, 2025 @ 12:30 PM

The Moving Image: A User's Manual

How did we come to believe so many lies that we voted into the most powerful political and military post in the world a reality TV star from NBC, groomed by a reality TV producer…

Virtual RSVP
Apr 2, 2025 @ 12:30 PM

AI's Impact on Science, Law, and Society

BKC Spring Speaker Series EventThe promise of AI agents has led to claims of imminent and rapid adoption across fields. Companies have even promised to build AI agents that can…


Past Events

Jan 25, 2005 @ 12:30 PM


Daoud Kuttab, Founder of AmmanNet

Berkman Luncheon Series: 1/25/05 Daoud Kuttab on AmmanNet

Jan 21, 2005 @ 1:00 AM

Web of Ideas: Everything is Miscellaenous

with David Weinberger

If we change the most basic principles of organization, what will happen to knowledge and to the institutions that take their shape from knowledge?

Event Series

Blogging, Journalism & Credibility: Battleground and Common Ground

January 21-22, 2005. "Blogging, Journalism and Credibility: Battleground and Common Ground" was organized jointly by the Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet & Society…

Jan 13, 2005 @ 6:00 PM

"A License to Kill Innovation" / "Policy Choices on Potential Online Business Models in the Music and Film Industries"

Yale ISP Fellow Michal Tsur and Berkman Student Fellow Derek Slater

ISP Fellow Michal Tsur on "A License to Kill Innovation.". Berkman long-term-affiliate and digital media project team member Derek Slater on "Content and Control: Assessing the…

Jan 12, 2005 @ 6:00 PM

Web of Ideas: Is the Web a Medium?

with David Weinberger

Is the Web a Medium? At one level, the Web is a medium through which messages are passed from A to B. But if we acknowledge that the medium affects the messages or even that the…

Dec 9, 2004 @ 12:00 AM

Internet & Society Conference 2004 (IS2k4): Votes, Bits, and Bytes

The Internet & Society 2004 conference, entitled "Votes, Bits, and Bytes," took place on December 9 - 11, 2004, on the Harvard campus.

Dec 9, 2004 @ 5:55 AM

Will the Internet Draft the Next President?

A lead-up event to Votes, Bits, and Bytes

Will the Internet Draft the Next President?

Dec 9, 2004 @ 12:00 AM

Internet & Society 2004: Votes, Bits & Bytes

Internet & Society 2004: Votes, Bits & Bytes. How are technologies changing politics, both in the U.S. and abroad? The purpose of this conference is to take a skeptical, results…

Dec 8, 2004 @ 6:00 PM

Web of Ideas: The Social Effect of Architecture

with David Weinberger

This week's Web of Ideas featured a special guest, David P. Reed, one of the Internet's architects and most articulate thinkers.

Dec 1, 2004 @ 6:00 PM

Web of Ideas: What is Ours?

with David Weinberger

What is Ours? Put aside for the moment question of what is legally ours on the Net. Instead, consider what's ours in a less explicit and less rigorous sense.

Nov 30, 2004 @ 12:30 PM

Berkman Luncheon Series: Alan S. Goldberg on the National Health Data Infrastructure

Berkman Luncheon Series: 11/30/04 - Alan S. Goldberg on the National Health Data Infrastructure

Nov 23, 2004 @ 12:30 PM

The Public Radio Exchange

Jake Shapiro, Berkman Fellow

Berkman Luncheon Series: 11/23/04 - Jake Shapiro of the Public Radio Exchange

Nov 16, 2004 @ 5:58 AM

Debate: EFF vs. RIAA

Representatives from the EFF and RIAA debate on "Should innovators who produce legal software and devices suffer liability for how consumers use their inventions?"

Nov 16, 2004 @ 12:30 PM

Pirates of the Digital Millennium

Jack Rochester, Co-Author of "Pirates in the Digital Millennium"

Berkman Luncheon Series: 11/16/04 - Jack Rochester, co-author of Pirates of the Digital Millennium

Nov 3, 2004 @ 6:00 PM

Web of Ideas: Democracy and the New Public

Is the Net changing the nature of the public in ways that are good, bad or promising for democracy?

Is the Net changing the nature of the public in ways that are good, bad or promising for democracy?

Oct 26, 2004 @ 12:30 PM

Political Hacks

Cameron Marlow

Berkman Luncheon Series: 10/26/04 - Cameron Marlow on Political Hacks

Oct 19, 2004 @ 12:30 PM

Tom Rubin, Microsoft Associate General Counsel

Berkman Luncheon Series: 10/19/04 - Tom Rubin, Microsoft Associate General Counsel

Oct 18, 2004 @ 6:06 AM

Inside the "Next Billion" Forum

The future of extending Internet access to the "Next Billion" users.

The future of extending Internet access to the "Next Billion" users.

Oct 14, 2004 @ 12:30 PM

A Discussion on the United Nations Working Group on Internet Governance

Markus Kummer, Member of WGIG

Berkman Luncheon Series: 10/12/04 - Markus Kummer, Executive Coordinator, Secretariat of the United Nations Working Group on Internet Governance

Oct 10, 2004 @ 12:00 AM

Cyberscholar Working Group: Caio Pereira on Universal Access Policies, Ivan Reidel on the Music Industry

Harvard-Yale Cyberscholar Working Group: October 11, 2004. Caio Pereira, JSD candidate, Yale Law School, Information Society Project Fellow, on "Universal Access Policies in…