The technology has long existed for automated tools that would filter out toxic social media content or a virtual shopping assistant that would find and even purchase the best…
Join us in the MPR on Tuesday, March 25 from 12:15pm-1:15pm to hear from Duke Law Professor James Boyle, author of The Line: AI and the Future of Personhood.Chatbots like ChatGPT…
Part of BKC's Spring Speaker Series:State Attorneys General have been increasing active in antitrust enforcement – both in focusing on the impact of challenges to competition in…
How did we come to believe so many lies that we voted into the most powerful political and military post in the world a reality TV star from NBC, groomed by a reality TV producer…
BKC Spring Speaker Series EventThe promise of AI agents has led to claims of imminent and rapid adoption across fields. Companies have even promised to build AI agents that can…
1998 Harvard Internet & Society Conference, co-chaired by Professor Charles Ogletree, raised the question whether Internet technology could help bridge the divide between rich and…
Beginning with a presentation that took place on February 20 by 2001 Berkman Fellow Dan Markel, the Berkman Center presented a workshop that explored legal theory relating to…
Note: Links may not be functional Saturday School on the Web Meeting of the Minds: A Conversation Among Great African Americans April 8, 2000, 4:30 p.m. Saturday school…
As part of the Internet & Society '99 course, the Berkman Center and Jack Vonder Heide, president of Technology Briefing Centers, gave a special demonstration of how the Internet…
The Berkman Center webcast a Harvard Bookstore technology book panel featuring Neil Postman, Stewart Brand, James O'Donnell, Berkman Fellow John Perry Barlow, and Berkman…