A living syllabus and a Wikipedia entry on digital self-determination allow the work of the Research Sprint live on and embody some of the key elements of digital self…
The Digital Self-Determination Research Sprint ran a weekly newsletter that pulled together insights from speakers, featured key quotes from students, and highlighted some…
metaLAB presents workshops covering wide ranging topics including artificial intelligence, time, and online communication
metaLAB presents workshops covering wide ranging topics including artificial intelligence, time, and online communication, through the lenses of technology, psychology, and…
Urs Gasser will step down as BKC Executive Director after 12 years of transformative service; will assume role as professor of public policy, governance, and innovative technology at the Technical University of Munich
Urs Gasser will step down as BKC Executive Director after 12 years of transformative service; will assume role as professor of public policy, governance, and innovative technology…
A policy memo outlining two key strategies for state and local leaders looking to more safely reopen their schools: enhancing school air quality and implementing robust screening…
Explaining how administrative data containing personal information can be collected, analyzed, and published in a way that ensures the individuals in the data will be afforded the…
A new video shows Beverly Hills cops playing the Beatles to trigger Instagram's algorithmic copyright filter, raising concerns that some law enforcement are using copyright…
Interested in real-world problem-solving, research with impact and networking opportunities? Join our Spring 2021 online research sprint open to Masters- and PhD-level students…
Digital Ethics in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 & Access to Education and Learning Spaces culminated in an internal showcase that highlighted major themes of the program,…