The world of Global Voices, rising
Global Voices Online has announced an Executive Director! In August, Ivan Sigal will take the helm, joining Managing Director Georgia Popplewell and GVO's international team and growing network. Today, GVO co-founder Rebecca MacKinnon joins Ethan Zuckerman in celebrating the news.
The news comes on the heels of last month's Global Voices Citizen Media Summit in Budapest.
GVOers David Sasaki and Rebecca MacKinnon provided excellent reports on the summit, which was covered broadly in the blogosphere and beyond (e.g.).
Also, during the summit, the Rising Voices initiative announced new projects focused on public health. A little more than a year old, Rising Voices is one of the most exciting initiatives of the GVO network, seeking to "to empower under-represented communities to make their voices heard online by 1.) providing financial support to outreach projects, 2.) developing a series of participatory media tutorials, and 3.) cultivating a network of passionate citizen media activists to help encourage and support the replication of outreach trainings."
Watch the "Rising Voices Trailer," and support their work!
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