Rising Voices: new projects
This week, Rising Voices, an outreach initiative of Global Voices Online, announced five innovative new projects, from Ivory Coast, Liberia, China, Mongolia, and Yemen.
In a word, Rising Voices is one of the coolest among the many initiatives of Global Voices.
It "aims to help bring new voices from new communities and speaking new languages to the global conversation by providing resources and funding to local groups reaching out to underrepresented communities."
We hope that you will check out all of Rising Voices' projects -- new, active, and past. And please join us in supporting this important, and cool, work.
More: Earlier this week, Ethan Zuckerman provided an insider's surprise and delight at Rising Voices' success. And last fall, outreach director David Sasaki spoke at Berkman about the challenges and lessons of the last two years.
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