by Mehdi Khrichfa & Hugh Jones This interview is part of a collaborative effort between the summer 2018 BKC interns and the Communications team to showcase…
The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University is now accepting fellowship applications for the 2019-2020 academic year through our annual open call
Have an idea for using AI to stop bad actors, empower journalism, govern platforms or to reimagine news? Apply for an AI and the News Open Challenge grant to work on the product.
The Berkman Klein Center is excited to announce that we are joining the Partnership on AI as a new partner organization, beginning August 2018. The Partnership’s mission to “study…
Four papers describing key regulatory issues for autonomous vehicles, a range of policy and governance frameworks, and suggestions for policy innovation and experimentation
At the Berkman Klein Center and MIT Media Lab. Applications are due Sunday, September 2, 2018!
Seeking technologists with diverse skill sets to confront the concrete and constantly emerging problems related to artificial intelligence and governance. Applications are due…
Researchers at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society are collaborating with MIT scholars to study driverless cars, social media feeds, and criminal justice…
The increased use of AI for purposes ranging from health to food security to global infrastructure has resulted in a greater interest in how we should manage big data.
The Centro de Internet y Sociedad de la Universidad del Rosario (ISUR) and the Berkman Klein Center co-host a highly interactive one-day workshop in Bogota