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Our community includes a vibrant and diverse network of faculty, staff, fellows, students, and practitioners representing a wide range of backgrounds, philosophies, and disciplines. For press and media inquiries reach out to us at For all other inquiries write to

Eileen Han

Eileen Han is an assistant professor at the Center for Integrative Studies (Social Science), Michigan State University.

Alba Hancock

Alba Hancock is a Program Coordinator at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society.

Stephanie Hankey

Stephanie Hankey is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Tactical Technology Collective, an organization that has worked internationally to…

Elizabeth Hansen

Elizabeth Hansen is academic lead for the business models for news program at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy at the…

Vesselina Haralampieva

Vessy Haralampieva joined the Berkman Center in March 2006 as a Research Fellow working on the OpenNet Initiative.

Eszter Hargittai

Eszter Hargittai is Professor and Chair of Internet Use and Society at the Institute of Communication and Media Research of the University of Zurich.

Jackie Harlow

Jackie Harlow is an affiliate of the Berkman Center who worked on the Digital Media Project while a student at Harvard Law School.

Sharon Harper

Sharon Harper received an MFA in photography and related media from the School of Visual Art in New York. Her work explores the intersection of…

Alexa Hasse

Alexa is a Ph.D. student at Tufts' Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development.

Matt Haughey

Founder of MetaFilter. Huge cyclocross, photography, and web nerd as well.

Rebekah Heacock Jones

Rebekah Heacock Jones is a Senior Project Manager at the Berkman Klein Center.

Alison Head

Alison Head is a Research Scientist in the Information School at the University of Washington and the Executive Director of Project Information…

Brittan Heller

Brittan Heller heads ADL’s Center for Technology and Society, based in Silicon Valley, to bring civil rights into the digital age.

Moritz Hennemann

Moritz Hennemann is a University Professor at the University of Freiburg Law Faculty, Germany, holding the Chair for Private Law, Information Law,…

Ari Herbert-Voss

Ari Herbert-Voss was a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center

Jeffrey Hermes

Jeff Hermes is the director of the Digital Media Law Project. A Princeton University alumnus and 1997 graduate of Harvard Law School, he has…

Kira Hessekiel

Kira is a JD candidate at Harvard Law School and an affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center.

Felipe Heusser

Felipe Heusser is a Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, but also an activist, researcher, and social entrepreneur. He is broadly…

Herkko Hietanen

Herkko Hietanen is well known for his research on Creative Commons licensing. In his PhD dissertation he examined the how Creative Commons increases…

Phillip Hill

Phillip Hill is 3L at Harvard Law School and a 2012–2013 Berkman Student Fellow. His focus is on copyright and trademark law in the modern…

Nate Hill

Nate Hill is the Executive Director of the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO), a studio and event space in Hell’s Kitchen where New York’s…

Hannah Hilligoss

Hannah is a Project Coordinator at Harvard Law School’s Cyberlaw Clinic, based at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society.

Velislava Hillman

Velislava Hillman obtained her PhD in Media and Communications in 2018 from University of Westminster, UK. Her thesis focused on identifying how…

Matthew Hindman

Matthew Hindman is Assistant Professor in the School of Media and Public Affairs at The George Washington University. For the 2010-2011 academic year…

Sam Hinds

Sam Hinds is a writer, critic, creative director, coach, and strategist who translates complex insights to global audiences and decision-makers.

Peter Hirtle

In addition to being a Research Fellow at the Berkman Center, Peter Hirtle is Senior Policy Advisor to the Cornell University Library with a special…

Chien-Kuan Ho

Ho, Chien-Kuan has served as a prosecutor in the Taichung District Prosecutors Office in Taiwan for 12 years.

Paul Hoffert

Paul Hoffert was a Faculty Fellow at the Berkman Center, where he worked on Noank Media and the Digital Media Project.

Blythe A. Holden

At the Berkman Center Blythe coordinated a project exploring Digital Media in Cyberspace, in conjunction with Gartner|G2, the business strategy…

Jennifer Holt

Jennifer Holt is Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is the author of Empires of…

David Homa

David is a technology and education expert with extensive experience in building and activating communities of practice and has spent over 30 years…

Lily Hu

Lily Hu is a PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics and Philosophy at Harvard University. She works in philosophy of (social) science and political and…

Xianhong Hu

Dr. Xianhong Hu is UNESCO’s Program Specialist at the Sector of Communication and Information since 2006.  

Chunyang Hu

Chunyang Hu is an Associate Prof. in the Department of Communication of Journalism School at Fudan University and a research fellow at the Center for…

Jeffrey Huang

Jeffrey Huang is a Berkman Center faculty associate and is the Director of the Media x Design Laboratory at EPFL Switzerland, where he is a Full…

Karen Huang

Karen Huang is an Assistant Professor at Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy, and a Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center…

Tim Hwang

Tim Hwang is Director of the Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative at the Berkman-Klein Center and the MIT Media Lab.

Lewis Hyde

Lewis Hyde's interests center on the public life of the imagination. He is currently at work on a book about "cultural commons," that vast, unowned…

Kathryn Hymes

Kathryn Hymes is a computational linguist, technologist and game designer. At the Berkman Klein Center’s Institute for Rebooting Social Media, she…

Tatiana Indina

Tatiana A. Indina (PhD) is a researcher and social scientist with a current academic appointment at the Center for New Media and Society in Moscow,…

Kimberley Isbell

Kimberley is working as a staff attorney with the Citizen Media Law Project.

David S. Isenberg

David Isenberg's website: Archived Biography: In 1997, David S. Isenberg wrote an essay entitled, The Rise of the Stupid Network:…

Joi Ito

Joichi Ito is an affiliate of the Berkman Center, and is the director of the MIT Media Lab.

Jonathan Jackson

Jonathan Jackson is a co-founder and former head of corporate brand at Blavity Inc., the largest media company for black millennials, which maintains…

Sarah J. Jackson

Sarah J. Jackson is a Presidential Associate Professor in the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.

Howell Jackson

Howell Jackson is the James S. Reid, Jr., Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. His research interests include financial regulation, consumer…

Dean Jansen

Dean Jansen is the executive director of the Participatory Culture Foundation and co-founder of Amara, a project focused on accessibility, inclusion,…

Nani Jansen Reventlow

Nani Jansen Reventlow is an internationally recognised human rights lawyer specialised in strategic litigation at the intersection of human rights,…

Jennifer Jenkins

Jennifer Jenkins is the Director of Duke's Center for the Study of the Public Domain and a Clinical Professor of Law at Duke Law School, where she…

Shagun Jhaver

Shagun Jhaver is a postdoctoral scholar in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington.