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Our community includes a vibrant and diverse network of faculty, staff, fellows, students, and practitioners representing a wide range of backgrounds, philosophies, and disciplines. For press and media inquiries reach out to us at For all other inquiries write to

Aida Joaquin Acosta

Aida Joaquin Acosta is a Senior Public Official and an Affiliate at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center.

Amy Johnson

Amy Johnson is a linguistic anthropologist and scholar of science, technology, and society (STS). She studies digital technologies across English,…

Samantha-Kaye Johnston

Samantha-Kaye Johnston is a Researcher and Supernumerary Fellow at Jesus College, both at The University of Oxford, and a member of the UNESCO…

Daniel Jones

Dan was the Berkman Klein Center's Communications Manager

John Kelly

John W. Kelly, Ph.D is the founder and CEO of Graphika, a social media analysis firm founded on technology he invented that blends social network…

Tyrene Jones

Tyrene Jones is an advocate and educator with experience as a career development and talent acquisition specialist. Tyrene’s higher education…

Sonia Jorge

Sonia N. Jorge Executive Director, Alliance for Affordable Internet Head of Digital Inclusion Program, Web Foundation.

Jennifer Jubinville

Jennifer Jubinville is a Project Manager for the Berkman Center.

Erin Judge

Archived Biography: Erin Judge began work at the Berkman Center in the summer of 2003. Her roles include faculty assistant to Professors Nesson and…

Reynol Junco

Rey Junco is a Senior Researcher at the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University.

Jennifer Kaberi

Jennifer Kaberi is the CEO and Founder Mtoto News and a Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society Affiliate

Nathan Kaiser

Nathan is a lawyer by conviction, with most of his practice in Asia, between Shanghai, Hong Kong, Beijing and Taipei.

Adi Kamdar

Adi Kamdar is a student at Harvard Law School. He was previously an activist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, where he worked on issues such as…

Anandana Kapur

Dr Anandana Kapur is an alumna of the Harvard Kennedy School and Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation.

Karrie Karahalios

Karrie Karahalios is an assistant professor in computer science at the University of Illinois where she heads the Social Spaces Group. Her work…

Simin Kargar

Simin Kargar is a human rights lawyer with a focus on the interrelations of technology and human rights. She studies harmful speech online, gender…

Rohan Kariyawasam

Rohan has studied at Harvard Law School as a Berkman Fellow, the University of Kent at Canterbury, the University of Geneva, Switzerland, the College…

Mek Karpeles

Mek runs the Internet Archive's Open Library, a non-profit website that helps patrons across the globe access millions of digital library books for…

Pratika Katiyar

Pratika Katiyar is a research assistant with the Berkman Klein Center and a leading free expression activist.

Ethan Katsh

Ethan Katsh is Director of the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution and Professor Emeritus of Legal Studies at the University of…

Yarden Katz

Yarden Katz is a departmental fellow in Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School. His scientific interests are at the interface of artificial…

Jason Kaufman

Jason Kaufman is a fellow researching social networks and online spaces via a gigantic longitudinal study of American college students’…

Dragana Kaurin

Dragana Kaurin is a human rights researcher, and founder of The Localization Lab, an organization that facilitates localization and user feedback…

Brian Keegan

Brian Keegan is a computational social scientist and post-doctoral fellow at Northeastern University. He is also an affiliate at the Berkman Center…

Bruce P. Keller

Bruce Keller was a Fellow and Co-Director of the Berkman Center's Clinical Program.

Chris Kelly

Archived biography: Chris Kelly is Vice President of Corporate Development and Chief Privacy Officer of Facebook, Inc., an online directory company…

Michael Kende

Michael is a Senior Fellow at the Internet Society, Senior Advisor at Analysys Mason, and guest professor at the Graduate Institute of Geneva.

Danil Kerimi

Danil Kerimi is an experienced technology and public relations executive with a track record of delivering impactful projects in corporate strategy,…

Brian Kernighan

Brian Kernighan was a Berkman Fellow during 2010-2011, where he wrote the first several drafts of "D is for Digital: What a well-informed person…

Leyla Keser

Leyla Keser is the Director of IT Law Institute at İstanbul Bilgi University. She will analyze the economic impacts of the ‘right to be forgotten’…

Alexander Keyssar

Alexander Keyssar is the Stirling Professor of History and Social Policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Emad Khazraee

Emad Khazraee is a sociotechnical information scientists working on Indeed’s data science team.

Levin Kim

Levin Kim conducts research at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society alongside the Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence…

Sonia Kim

Sonia Kim is a Senior Project Coordinator with the Youth and Media project

Diana Kimball

Diana is an MBA candidate at Harvard Business School. As a co-creator of ROFLCon, her interest in internet culture runs deep. Most recently, this…

Geoffrey Kirkman

Geoffrey Kirkman is a Berkman Fellow Emeritus and Associate Director of the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University. His work…

Alexander Klimburg

Alexander Klimburg is director and head of the Global Commission of the Cyberspace (GCSC) Initiative and Secretariat, Director Cyber Policy and…

Maggie Koerth-Baker

Maggie Koerth-Baker is a science journalist who specializes in understanding how science and society interact. She has been the science editor at…

Beth Kolko

Beth is a Professor of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the University of Washington where she co-directs the Tactile and Tactical Design Lab.

Gene Koo

Gene Koo focuses on emerging methods of education in a digitally networked world. In collaboration with the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal…

Uli Köppen

Uli Köppen’s research focuses on AI and automation in journalism. She is head of data journalism at the German public broadcaster Bayerischer…

Leora Kornfeld

Leora's research looks at the role of digital, networked technologies in marketing and the economic structures of the Internet.

Wendy Koslow

Archived Biography: As program coordinator at the Berkman Center, Wendy has built several websites, organized conferences, served as assistant to the…

Lexie Koss

Lexie Koss is a member of the Berkman Center’s communications team.

Molly Krause

Molly Krause was the Project Leader for H2O -- an open source, educational platform that explores powerful ways to connect professors, students, and…

Kate Krontiris

Kate Krontiris is a social scientist, strategist, and facilitator working to transform civic life in America.

Eerik-Niiles Kross

Eerik-Niiles Kross is an Estonian diplomat, intelligence chief, entrepreneur and politician.

Damon Krukowski

Damon Krukowski is a musician (Damon & Naomi, Galaxie 500) and writer, currently at work on a book about the transition from analog to digital sound.

Vivek Kundra

Vivek Kundra is a fellow with the Berkman Center and with the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy. Vivek Kundra was…

Chun-Hao Kuo

Chun-Hao Kuo is a Prosecutor in New Taipei District Prosecutors Office of the Ministry of Justice in Taiwan, who has been investigating and…